

Amongst Giants - Turn from lwz on Vimeo.

Musicvideo for Amongst Giants.

Amongst Giants is a project crafted by my friend, composer and producer, Matthias Hacksteiner. All songs have been composed and mixed by him and were recorded in Salzburg and Munich with eleven studio musicians.

Get the Album here! http://amongstgiants.bandcamp.com

... and check his other great work here! www.fifth-music.com

"Turn" has been in my head for quite a while now. I planed to make a muscivideo while I was doing the coverartwork of this album which is now ... well .. quite a while ago :) Anyhow I finally got some time and great helping hands from our LWZ collective! Thanks to Steff and .MRT!


Design & Direction:
Markus Wagner

Stefan Salcher
Martin Lorenz
Markus Wagner


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