
The Constant and The Flux (excerpt)

The Constant and The Flux (excerpt) from Callum Cooper on Vimeo.
(an excerpt)

Sound by Sandy Milne

Commissioned by Noah Cowan through Future Projections for Toronto International Film Festival 2012

"Random Torontonians, projected and spinning, occupy TIFF Bell Lightbox's giant atrium wall — along with the unique apparatus that multi-talented Australian artist Callum Cooper used to capture them on film — each evening of the Festival. Cooper's practice references everything from turn-of-the-century bioscopes to YouTube, and is both formally rigorous and dizzyingly fun." Noah Cowan

Initially developed through Centrum Gallery, Berlin with curator Carmen Billows. Thanks to all the team at TIFF and also to all 300 or so people who participated.


infime - Cut And Cook Studio

infime from Cut And Cook Studio on Vimeo.
Since 2009, Cut and Cook has been preparing little delicate images.
«Infime» is the incredible adventure of the studio's highly skilled graphists gathered around one watchword they all support: enjoying creating extraordinary images.

«Infime» is also a major challenge in terms of digital technique. It required properly customized developing systems. Some 3D sequences featured more than 30 000 000 polygons. Time render has been optimized and reduced to the max (40 000 hours).

Through «Infime», Dan Charbit (director and supervisor) encourages you to immerse supernatural landscapes and  offers a graphic and poetic travel... Get a trip away.

Find «Infime» and more of our creations on: http://www.cutandcook.com


Depuis 2009, le studio Cut and Cook vous mijote de belles images.
«Infime» est l'aventure fantastique de ses talentueux graphistes, réunis autour d'un seul mot d'ordre: le plaisir de créer des images extraordinaires.

«Infime» est aussi un défi technique qui a nécessité le développement d’outils sur mesure. Certaines scènes 3D comportaient plus 30 000 000 de polygones. Le temps de calcul a été optimisé au maximum et réduit à prés de 40 000 heures.

Avec «Infime», Dan Charbit (Réalisateur et superviseur) vous propose, en un voyage poétique et graphique, une immersion dans des paysages surnaturels... Laissez-vous porter.

Retrouvez «Infime» et nos autres créations sur: http://www.cutandcook.com


The Crew:
Production: Cut and Cook Studio
Director: Dan Charbit

Supervisor: Dan Charbit
Editing: Julia Maby
Music and Sound Design: Nicolas Gueguen
R&D: Arthur Graff

VFX: Arthur Graff et Mickael Lalo
CG Artist: Annie Hua, Arthur Graff et Boris Kaufmann
Modeling, Rig, Setup: Gwenhael Glon
Animation: Quentin Retif
Compositing: Michael Rouayroux, Charles-E Farkas, Boris Kaufmann

Valentina Hasan-Ken Lee
